Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Brianna and Brads little boy!

I just wanted you to know that Grayson Bradley Koster was born on 05/31/07 at 11:17AM. He was 3 weeks early but still weighed in at 7 pounds, 3 oz. and was 20 inches long. Super cute little boy, I can't wait until all of his "cousins" can come and teach him all naughty things they know!

Little People threw up in the Boys Room!

Yesterday I asked the boys to play quite so that Chloe and Tyla (the baby I baby-sit) could take their naps.... I got a little worried because it was TOO QUITE and with my boys I know that something bad is happening so I grabbed the camera ( Because I may not find it funny at the time but usually I can laugh a little later) and went bravely into their room to find................

The most amazing thing! They listened and were playing together quietly!
How about a new add for Fisher Price Scott???

Chloe's first Haircut!

When Chloe was born she had so much hair, it was wonderful, then slowly it started to thin and new hair started to grow in which left her with these long strands on one side and the back so I evened up her hair yesterday and she looks so cute however I can't wait till it is all long so that I can do the whole little girl hair thing!

Beach Day!

This past weekend we went to the Beach and it was wonderful! The weather was great and the kids had a blast! I thought that Chloe wouldn't be much fun because as soon as we go there she started throwing a fit and didn't want to sit in the sand or get in the water, after she warmed up she had a blast and got all sorts of dirty! She would dump out our soda in the sand then she would eat it~YUMMY! The boys had so much fun we couldn't keep Kobe and Cooper out of the water, Carter hung out by me or the shoreline, the waves made him nervous! Jeff and Kobe got stung by a Jellyfish so then we called it a day! We figured it is our last summer so we better take advantage of it! So should all of you, we won't be here much longer (hopefully) So you better come and visit!

A family day at the Zoo

I hope that you all had a great Memorial Weekend! We braved the heat and humidity and went to the ZOO! It is my kids most favorite thing to do! We went to the Butterfly habitat, wow was it cool! But most of you know I love Butterflies! Anyways this one is called a Blue Morpho Butterfly, it attached itself to Jeff's leg and when we were trying to figure out the name of it Kobe kept telling us and we weren't really listening until the helper at the Zoo said "Yes you are right it is a Blue Morpho" Crazy kid~ I have no idea how he knows everything that he does when he has two dummy of parents! Here are the cute boys! And here is Cooper pulling one of his many funny faces!