Monday, July 30, 2007

I just can't have enough!

Lets have some cake...and eat it too!

Chloe's birthday cake!

She is thinking.."Why does my mother make me wear this stupid thing!"

"WHAT....FIRE! "

"Maybe I will just have a bite"

"My nose is hungry too!"

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

Well, I don't know about you but I am not too sure where the last year has gone! Chloe Diane turned one on July 24th and we had a party for her at our house with a couple of friends! Boy, did she get spoiled!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Joys of living in Texas!

I wish that I could record some of my kids conversations just because they say the funniest things! They make it all worth it!

Carter- Kobe there is a cock roach
Kobe- I know Carter, don't worry he doesn't see us
Carter- oh man, it is moving!
Kobe- Well, I guess he saw us!

A few seconds later

Cooper- Holy guacamole there is a cock roach in our room.... do something Kobe!

I can't wait until we move and don't have to deal with Cockroaches!
But I will never want to stop dealing with my boys!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The gecko whisperer

I swear that Kobe has a sixth sense when it come to reptiles! He can catch any lizard, frog, bug, critter and even hate to admit it but snakes too! Right now in his reptile habitat that is in his room he has three lizards and three frogs! I have explained that he will have to release them before we move and he thinks that I am only joking.... so if anyone has a solution let me know!

I want to be just like Kobe....

I don't think that I really need to explain, the pictures do that themselves!


Water Time!

For a brief moment the other day the rain stopped and the sun came out so I sent the kids to play outside in the water! At first Chloe and I sat by just watching , and she really just sat on the driveway and watched the kids play and while I took their pictures and then I got a great idea to put her in her new swimsuit just to get a cute picture ...... As soon as she had her suit on, off she went right into the water! She threw a big fit when it started to thunder and lighting again because I had to turn off the water and head in the house!

The girls!

How do you keep an one year old busy so that she won't get into the fire???

Strap her in the buggy and feed her marshmallows!

You would think that Tyla could hold more in her mouth with those cheeks!

What to do when it is a 100 degrees outside...?

Lets start up the good ole fire and make Smores!!!

I think that he got more on his face than he did in his mouth!

Kobe was trying to make it nice and golden for me..........

Put it this way, it looks like he has my cooking skills!

I love my Cooper!

Matt and Ang with Baby Caleb!


I can honestly tell you that keeping a white dog clean is not easy....
especially since it has been raining for weeks now every day all day, all I have is a big mud hole in my backyard! The kids and Winnie seem to think that is so fun to play in it too

Monday, July 02, 2007

And I am off.....

I knew that the time would come, I just didn't think that it would happen so soon! Chloe is officially walking! She is off and hasn't stopped! I can't believe that her birthday is in 22 days!

Chloe loves to point at things, I think that she is just trying to figure out what they are! Here she is with her daddy! I would have to say she is a total daddy's girl!

They are getting too Big

Kobe and Cooper have decided that they are big kids now and they are ready to ride the rides at Sea World! Carter opted to sit by me and the baby! Where does time go, it seemed like it was only months ago that my parents were here and they took Kobe to Sea World for his 2nd birthday and Coop was only 6months old! Now they tell me to chill when I freak out because they won't walk right by me and hold my hand!

Two Little Monkeys in the tree....

Grandma and Grandpa Spear came to visit and We went to Sea World this past weekend and the kids had a blast! I have grown to have such an appreciation for the vacations that I got to take as a child because I am now learning how draining it is on parents!