Sunday, July 08, 2007

Water Time!

For a brief moment the other day the rain stopped and the sun came out so I sent the kids to play outside in the water! At first Chloe and I sat by just watching , and she really just sat on the driveway and watched the kids play and while I took their pictures and then I got a great idea to put her in her new swimsuit just to get a cute picture ...... As soon as she had her suit on, off she went right into the water! She threw a big fit when it started to thunder and lighting again because I had to turn off the water and head in the house!

1 comment:

Kris said...

What a doll! It's so fun to have them old enough to enjoy the summer!

I hope you are enjoying the moisture even though you're probably sick of it. We are doing a stake wide fast for moisture here.