Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Who slapped you..?

Carter recently had 5ths disease -notice the pink cheeks!

(Fifth disease is a very common childhood illness. Adults can get it too. It is sometimes called "slapped cheek disease" because of the rash that some people get on the face. You spread the disease by coughing and sneezing.

As a rule, people can spread fifth disease only while they have flu-like symptoms and before they get a rash.)

So anyways when Jeff took Carter to the doctor she called it slapped cheek, and I am guessing that Carter understood it as if someone had slapped him because when he got home he asked me after Jeff had gone back to work who had slapped him on the cheeks? Ohhh, I laughed pretty good at that one!


Kris said...

Our friends little girl had this last year. Luckily is wasn't passed on to any kids in the neighborhood (or nursery). We're getting over colds and two bouts of pneumonia over here. I can't wait until the weather warms up and no more colds and runny noses. Hope he gets feeling better.

Miken Harding said...

Glad he's donig better! Love his smile and eyes!

Danielle said...

So 7 a.m. TX time is the time of day I think about calling but I am sure that you wouldn't appreciate that on your end. I need a new email for you. Your rr is returning it, obviously.

Hope the trip was good. I need a new address for you too. I have a little something along with 3 video games that were left in the van. Hopefully, talk to you soon!