I have been wondering the past six years if Kobe was really my child, I know without a doubt he is Jeff's...until the other day. Kobe went to spend the weekend with some friends and my friend Ty was doing a check with Kobe about what he had in his bag so they went down the list and this is how it happened
Ty: Kobe how many pairs of pj's do you have?
Kobe: 2 Ty
Ty: Kobe, do you have your toothbrush?
Kobe: Yup
Ty: do you have your swimsuit?
Kobe: sure do
Ty: How many pairs of underwear did you pack?
Kobe: One
Ty: Kob, dude you will be gone for two days and the pair you are wearing doesn't count.
Kobe: Well, Ty I guess I will have to wear dirty underwear then.
Let me explain it is not the fact that I wear dirty underwear that made him mine, it is the answer that he gave! Am I right mom or what!