Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I will miss you Granny J

For those of you who knew my grandma knew what a wonderful woman she was. She had this laugh that made all of us laugh, a smile that made you feel like you were the most important person in the world and a hug that made you feel that no matter what just happened it would be okay. About a month ago my uncle and aunt called to tell my sister and I that Grandma didn't have much longer to live so we packed up and headed to Utah to see her. I will cherish the fact that I was able to see her one more time and to hug her and tell her that I love her. On Friday morning I got a call that she wasn't going to make it and she wanted to talk to all of her grandchildren one last time. So I called her and I couldn't speak and I didn't want to her to hear me crying so I just listened and she told me that she loved me and that she would watch over me and my children ( she even named them one by one) and told me goodbye. Our Heavenly Father gave her an hour of peace to be able to be our granny J and make each and every single one of us special in our own mind and heart. My mom is so sad right now because she is was not there and all I want to do is find a way to make her hurt to stop and show her that we all love her and we support her and my dad and it is okay because one day thanks to the plan of salvation she will be with my grandma again, and they will be laughing and arguing together just like the old times. I am sorry that the world had to loose you Grandma and not everyone will get to love you as rest of us did but I am so happy that you are free of pain and that you and Grandpa are together, and everyone in Heaven is enjoying your love.


Doug_Jen said...

Hey Kim it is me Jen I am so sorry to about your Grandma she was pretty awesome and at least to got to talk to her one last time. My thoughts and prayeres go out to you and all of the family. She will be missed but I am sure she is very happy and pain free.

koster family said...

Your grandma was awesome, she will definitely be missed. I'm so thankful that you lived close enough that you were able to go to Utah and be with her one last time. If there's anything I can do for you let me know.
Love you

Miken Harding said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. That will be a sad day for me as well-one I'm not looking forward. I'm so gald you got to see her one more time. Phil is finally on his first mission!:) I hope Jeff finds work soon-I hope everything is good for you. Shoot me your email, I have a few questions for you! Give your kids a squeeze!

Danielle said...

Sorry about your Gransma but there is something wonderful knowing that someone has lived a full and long life.

Hope all is well and miss you guys!