Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to School Time!

Cooper didn't want to be in the picture with Kobe

He wanted to be in his own picture! He is in Kindergarten now so he is a big boy!

FIRST GRADE?? I can't believe it can you?

well, it is that time of year! Kobe and Cooper started school yesterday. Carter will start in a few weeks, he unfortunately missed the cut off date for the four year old preschool program by three days so he has to wait to start school with all the three years olds even though he will be four by the time school starts for him, confusing... yes! Luckily we have such a great relationship with the Pre-K teachers so they have told us that they will just include him in with the four year olds, if it would of been up to the Teachers they would have taken him last year while he was still two, just turning three!
Kobe was so excited to be going to 1st grade! When Jeff and I walked him to his class he gave us his"I'm cool so don't give me a hug or kiss(MOM) look" and went and sat in his desk! Where does the time go, I have a first grader!!
Cooper was so happy to be going to kindergarten he just walked right into the class room grabbed his name tag put it on and went and sat on the reading carpet next to his friend and grabbed a book and gave us a wave just like Kobe ( it must come from the Felde's)
Carter thought it was pretty cool that he had all the toys and the computer to play on all to himself, for awhile, then when three rolled around he was ready to go to the bus stop and get those boys! On the way home Cooper informed me that he was a KINDERGARTENER and Kobe was a FIRST GRADER and so I did not need to pick them up from the bus stop or walk them to it in the morning. I got a good laugh and I told him that I will walk him to the bus and pick him up everyday, even when he is a senior in High School! Kobe gave me this horrified look, trying to picture himself as an 18 year old and his mom is still walking him to the bus stop and Cooper tells me, "whatever mom I am going to drive to school, so what will you follow us in the car?"
I wonder what side of the family Coopers mouth comes from...???

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