Wednesday, August 08, 2007

So I lied!

Carter man and "one" of his girlfriends, Toria

Chloe beating up Roxy with a swimming noodle!

Chloe giving Booker and love! She has no fear of animals...what is it with my kids??

Trying to be like Grandpa! While I was a away Jeff got a cap gun for Cooper and now he goes "shooting"

My mom called me this morning to ask about my trip to Idaho and asked me to update my blog and I told her I couldn't because my camera is broken, well then my very good friend Victoria stopped by to tell me good bye with her kids( she is moving today) Toria, as the boys have called her, is the very first person I met and we instantly became good friends and she has been a big part of our lives for the past five years and we will miss her and Blake and their kids Booker and Roxy. I guess this is the hard part about being in the military, moving away from the friends that have become your family. I got a few pictures of her , her kids and Chloe. Bye Toria we will miss you!!

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