Sunday, December 09, 2007

Oh those boys!

Last Sunday Jeff took our friends, family pictures and so Kobe, Joe and Cooper were so very willing to pose and model while Jeff got the lighting and poses worked out! What a bunch of cheese balls!

Here is a sneak peek of what the boys will be wearing in our family photos!
We took this after we got home from taking family photos. Chloe was so horrible during the photo shoot that we got one, yes one photo of the family with her in it. we did however get a great one of Jeff and the boys, Jeff and me and Chloe and I. She did fine if someone would hold her so my hopes of getting all four of them together in clean clothes, with clean faces. oh well.
When we pulled out of the parking lot Cooper said to Jeff, "hey so where is my root beer float for being so good while we took pictures?" So Jeff asked me if I had promised a treat to them and I said "no, did you?" He told me no, but then agreed with the boys that they did really great so sure why not?
Those boys are getting good at getting something they want!


Kris said...

Agghh! I haven't even thought of Christmas pictures yet! You're so good to have the done already! They all look so handsome and cute!

koster family said...

I can't wait to see the whole family. Did you get my X-mas card? Grayson would not smile so we finally gave up, I can't imagine trying to do pictures with 4 children. I miss you so...much, if you check this, call me today at work before 2PM--I don't have Grayson with me.


Miken Harding said...

You have beautiful kids! See you tonight!