Sunday, November 04, 2007

Bad habit, already?

After the church party we took the kids to Sonic and to keep Chloe from throwing a royal fit because she didn't get a drink, Jeff got her a Sprite and you would think it was as if we had never given her a drink of any type of liquid in her whole life!


Erin said...

That's so cute! I *wish* Amelia knew how to drink from a straw! She is still addicted to her sippy cup. The funny thing about the first picture of Chloe isn't the sonic cup, but the big purple sucker!

Kris said...

That's funny! Remember the boys loved Pepsi when they were younger (still do)... well Ella grabs it whenever she can get her little hands on it. There comes a point, as parents, that we do whatever we can to get them to stop screaming and splitting our sculls wide open.

Thanks for the comment! Love ya too!

I was wondering if you are getting sick of your template? I can change it for you or I can tell you how to change it yourself. Let me know.