Monday, November 26, 2007

Thankfulness, it is in my heart and on my mind.

So for Thanksgiving break my kids had a whole week off of school, yes I said a whole week! I wasn't too sure what I was going to do with them. I knew one thing though they weren't going to spend the time in front of the TV or on the Computer. So that left it up to me to figure out what to do with them? Kobe asked if he could learn how to bake something, and since I LOVE, LOVE to bake I thought it was a great idea so we pulled out the good 'ole cook book and made cookies, apple crisp and peach crisp! It was a lot of fun sharing something with the boys what I really enjoy, and to be able to teach them something is always fun! Kobe did such a great job, he would read the recipe then he would pull out the ingredient's, I would help measure but he pretty much made the apple crisp on his own! Carter just wanted to crack the eggs! And of course Cooper did not want to do any of it so I gave in and let him on the computer!
I really enjoyed the week the boys, I feel like since school has started we really don't get to spend time just goofing off together since we are so busy with school work and homework and everything else in between! I had been wanting to sit down and write a list of things that I was Thankful for but now I look back on this past week and I really didn't have to make a list to remind me, it had always been right there in front of me. I do want to share a few with the family and friends that read this though.

I am thankful for:

1.My Husband, He is so good to me and the kids and would do anything to support us, emotionally, physically, and financially. I can't believe that it has been eight years! I love you!
2. My healthy, beautiful children. You are the greatest blessings in my life, each of you have taught me and continue to teach me through example how to be a better person, and how to have unshakable faith in the lord. I Love you, Kobe, Cooper, Joseph Carter and Chloe.
3. My parents, I don't know how I can possibly put it into words how thankful I am for you. But most of all I am thankful for you willingness to serve,because of you me and my family have been truly blessed and watched over. I love you both.
4. My siblings, each of you have always been so good to me. Thank you for always making me part of your lives and making sure that I am taken care of and most of all thank you for loving my husband and children so unconditionally like ALL of you do! being that baby is the very best!
5. My friends who have become my family, The past five and half years have been a trial and you have made it all worth it. Thank you for your willingness to help and your love for the Felde clan!

I think that I could keep going but I will just stick with my top 5. I love you all!

1 comment:

koster family said...

Your such a great mom. I'm so excited for Grayson to get older so we can do things like that. Oh...P.S just come home already!